By: Todd Williams December 15, 2020

As COVID-19 vaccines become available, it’s imperative that individuals and families avoid the scams that will undoubtedly go along with it. Distribution plans are in full force and scams are arising to take your money and make promises to get you to the front of the line.


This week Covid-19 vaccines will begin to hit the cities. Arriving in refrigerated trucks and boxcars, they are headed to suburban cities and neighborhoods around the world in hopes of staying off the deadly virus that has plagued the world over the past 9 months. However, just like any good thing that is available in the market, thieves and crooks are taking advantage, even to the most needed among us. Scammers are scheming to profit from the demand and worldwide need for the vaccine.

“The FBI has received complaints of scammers using public’s interest COVID-19 vaccines to obtain personally identifiable information and monies through various schemes,” the FBI recently wrote in a statement to CNN. As the roll-out of the vaccine intensifies, the FBI continues to remain vigilant as “scammers continue to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic for personal gain.”

You can avoid any vaccine-related scams through education and awareness. Follow INVISUS and iDefend on social media for updates on the current risks and alerts.

Here are some helpful tips you may want to know:

  • First distribution will be based upon need and will be prioritized.
  • Early access to vaccine for payment will not be accepted.
  • Anyone that calls (health care provider, vaccine distribution sites) will never ask for your Social Security, credit card or bank account information.
  • Payment will probably not be needed to obtain the vaccine during this public health crisis.

Scams can occur from any vehicle from robo-calls to texts, from email, and fraudulent social media advertisements. Unfortunately, it may be the weak among us that are the most vulnerable due to their dependence and urgency to obtain a vaccine for COVID-19 as quickly as possible. Ensure that you, your family, and friends are aware of the scams and the appropriate distribution channels for the upcoming vaccine.

We urge all individuals to continue to remain vigilant and stay informed.

For more information on how to avoid COVID-19 Scams read the recent infographic by the FTC here: Three Ways to Avoid COVID-19 Scams